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ERP standards: What are the requirements for a bar/café/restaurant?

ERP standards: What are the requirements for a bar/café/restaurant?

All ERP (“Etablissements Recevant du Public” or Establishments open to the public) establishments must comply with certain regulations, particularly in terms of safety, failing which they may be subject to penalties (including administrative closure). When selling their business, owners should therefore check that their establishment complies with ERP standards, in order to sell it more easily, as potential buyers will not have to carry out any work to bring it up to standard, which will be reflected in the price of the business sold. Bar-café-restaurant businesses are ERP by nature, and must therefore comply with certain mandatory regulations, which we will explain in this article.

What are the ERP safety standards?

When it comes to safety, the most important thing for the owner of a restaurant business is to ensure that employees are properly trained. This can be achieved by having them attend training courses run by accredited organizations, or at least by some of them, to ensure that there is always someone on the premises capable of dealing with an unforeseen event, such as a fire.

What are the kitchen safety standards?

In the kitchen of a restaurant, bar or café, there are (almost) always electrical or gas appliances. In these cases, there are risks, particularly of fire.

The owner of the establishment must therefore set up a safety system to protect staff, customers and third parties in the event of a serious incident.

To achieve this, the owner must first install a system of smoke detectors (DAAF – Détecteur Avertisseur Autonome de Fumée), so that evacuation of the premises can be anticipated as far in advance as possible.

An efficient evacuation system must also be installed, to enable smoke extraction from the premises.

Next, fire extinguishers must be in evidence, adapted to the risks involved, depending on the nature of the fire and its oxidizing agent. For example, a water extinguisher will not be used for an electrical fire.

One or more employees must know how to use fire extinguishers, so as to be able to react as quickly as possible in the event of a fire breaking out. To this end, training courses can be provided for employees by approved service providers.

What are the safety standards for access and evacuation?

If evacuation of the premises is to be implemented, the owner of the catering establishment must also adapt the premises to ensure the quickest and most efficient evacuation possible, and to protect people from potential dangers.

To achieve this, the establishment must have at least two exits to the outside, giving direct access to shelter in the event of danger.

Access to emergency exits must also be clearly signposted, and kept clear so as not to impede evacuation. The width of emergency exits is governed by regulations, in order to allow access not only for people with reduced mobility, but also for emergency services in case of need.

A circulation plan must be visible and present in all rooms with a capacity of at least five people.

This document must indicate the emergency exits and routes to them, as well as potential stairwells or elevator shafts, and emergency numbers (fire department, ambulance, police, etc.).

These signs must also indicate the presence and location of valves and switches for electrical, hydraulic and gas circuits, to enable the emergency services, or competent persons, to cut off these circuits in the event of danger.

Mention must also be made of the presence of a smoke-extraction system, which must comply with standard NF X08-070, to ensure the most efficient and unhindered evacuation possible.

What are the safety standards for alarm systems?

Catering establishments must be equipped with an audible and/or luminous alarm system, and their owners must set up regular tests to optimize signal recognition and evacuation procedures by staff.

Detectors must be installed in all rooms, and a fire department inspection must be carried out before the bar-café-restaurant opens.

A video surveillance system is not compulsory, but some insurance companies require it.

What are the regulations governing mandatory signage?

All ERP establishments are subject to compulsory signage regulations, with some specific to catering establishments.

These compulsory displays are as follows:

  • The origin of meat sold (if the establishment offers it). Note that if birth, rearing and slaughter take place in the same country, the simple mention “Origin: …” is sufficient, but if these three stages take place in different countries, the different states involved must be indicated;
  • Allergens in the restaurant (gluten, shellfish, eggs, milk, etc.);
  • Prices, with menu (they can be displayed indoors or outdoors, and at least for the duration of the service);
  • No smoking” sign, inside and at the entrance to the establishment;
  • License attestation sign for establishments selling alcohol;
  • In the kitchen, a document setting out the various HACCP standards (health and hygiene standards for catering);
  • The address and contact details of the labor inspector responsible for the establishment concerned;
  • The address and contact details of the occupational health department;
  • A document containing safety instructions, particularly in the event of fire, and an evacuation plan;
  • A work schedule for each employee;
  • And the articles of the penal code punishing moral harassment and sexual harassment.

Most of these documents are available as PDF files on the Internet, which owners can print out directly.

You should also bear in mind that failure to comply with these compulsory notices may result in sanctions.

You now know everything there is to know about ERP regulations specific to bars-cafés-restaurants, as well as the compulsory notices to be displayed in this type of establishment.

Whether you’re looking to sell your business, or to take over a business of this type, you need to be aware that failure to comply with these regulations can result in sanctions, up to and including the administrative closure of your establishment, which is why it’s essential to comply with these standards.

If you would like more information or advice on selling your business, use the online procedure and an AGN network lawyer in your area will deal with your question and provide you with all the answers you need. Do not hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail, or schedule an appointment online at

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